
Saturday, February 26, 2011

MLK's Timeless "We Shall Overcome" A Daily Inspiration

Our work is not over. Billions of our world's citizens continue to suffer in silence, unacknowledged by its leaders-- even in nations like China, India and the US.

Injustice, prejudice, lies have always accompanied mankind's journey through history and time.

In order to survive, at times it's easier to surrender to the powerful who usurp an individual's dignity.

In our age of transparency, we are seeing dramatic changes.

A year ago, we identified social media as the equalizer that helps the individual reclaim the human rights to which (s)he is entitled. A poor college student now has a powerful voice equal to any billionaire, a general or dictator. 1 to 1. We've seen it in the Middle East.

Yet the battle is not easy. Lives are sacrificed for the cause of justice, freedom and liberty. Families suffer.

But truth has endurance; truth always prevails as part of the natural order of our universe.

MLK's "We Shall Overcome" is my daily bread of inspiration.

I am so thankful for MLK and the countless who are nameless -- including our men and women in the military, who made the ultimate sacrifice so that I can safely exercise my freedom of speech, to pursue my human rights as an individual, just as the Creator intended, without fear.

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