
Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Struggle For Equality Is An Everyday Thing Until We, #ThePeople, Reach The Mountaintop

I find it peculiar, striking & very disappointing that most folk, even those on the #liberal side who proclaim (when cameras are rolling) their staunch support for the #equalrights of man & woman kind, only find the time to speak-up against atrocities when somebody gets killed or when a jury renders a verdict that diminishes the #dignity of a human being, as with the Michael Dunn trial in Florida.

But on every other day, the rest of ya'll are silent as you tip-toe through the tulips, forgetting that the struggle for equality is a daily challenge for millions of Americans, including people-of-color & women you know.

On every other day, there is derision, disdain toward advocates for #CivilRights & equality. As if the outcry has no basis.

Now, the right wing is the right wing. It's easy to call them out. It happens everyday & nobody even blinks.

What I'm concerned with is the audacity of silence from the left.

It's been 50 years since the Civil Rights Act & there's a reason why racism & discrimination continue to plague American society. Is it the fault of Republicans? Again, it's easy to point a finger their direction.

What #ThePeople and traditional media fail to acknowledge in our pragmatic society is that #diversity #inclusion & #equality in left-of-center & Democratic circles are still mired in the status quo of the 1950s.

Just look at the Democratic leadership in your city or county or state.

Look at the casting in Hollywood films & shows.

There isn't much diversity unless you're lookin' at the people who are cleaning & cooking for the leaders & stars of these so-called inclusive organizations. People-of-color can't even get roles as extras in Hollywood- nevermind America's board rooms & halls of government awash in whiteness.

In case you happen to catch the Oscars, take a look at the audience or the people on stage. How many Asians are there? How many blacks? Or Latinos? Not much has changed since the 1950s.

Saying you stand for equality is one thing. But there is outlandish resistance from even the left to practice inclusiveness.

But in this 21st Century of #transparency, it's high time that ALL of The People- Republicans, Democrats & in between, truly mean it when they say, "I'm not a racist," or "I believe in equality, diversity & inclusion."

If that's the case, then show America & the world that you practice #diversity & #inclusion, that you stand up for the person-of-color being mocked, derided or passed over for a job promotion.

Talkin' the talk without walkin' the walk is so 20th Century, 1950's status quo. It's time to end discrimination & racism.

Your silence will not lead to change. Democrats & the left: you are the game-changers so it's time to step up to the plate of equality.

America, it's #TimeForChange.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Damage of Racism In Today's Society: Like The Nazis

Grandfathered repeatedly over time [as measured in centuries] into every position of power in government & business, the #statusquo bastion of white European authority shows an impregnable reluctance to play fair in the 21st Century- even as it preaches equality & purports to hold the dignity of ALL Earth’s peoples, regardless of skin color, race or origin, in the highest regard.

In the last 500 years, people of color - even those residing on ancestral lands must fight for parity, are forced to climb from the lowest #social #political & economic positions. What’s true in India is true in South America; what proves true in Africa & Asia rings with resounding clarity in our United States. 

Today, it remains a dangerous vocation to be an #Advocate for #CivilRights. For me, fortunately, it's much easier to speak up than be silenced.

In America, even the liberal left, the powerful Democrats continue to reflect a white washed leadership. Sure, the left talks about being inclusive. But this inclusiveness is hardly visible when you see the inner-circles of its leadership standing together in news conferences & #selfie  photo opportunities. One might see an occasional black person (with white features) in these powerful circles, and even a light sprinkle or two of Latinos, but rarely an Asian.

Asians are not even in the conversation for the next judicial nominee for the SCOTUS. Asian characters on TV still reflect Anglicized last names; even left-of-center Hollywood has not journeyed much past Mrs. Livingston from #TheCourtshipOfEddie’sFather. The actress Ming-Na Wen’s roles include being cast as Judy Roberts, Jenna Sparks, Elisha Crowe;  what’s wrong with  Wang Xiu Wong?

In the US, it seems the reason change is slow is that racism continues to be the rule whether you’re a Democrat, Republican or Independent.

And racism explains why corruption is rampant.

The lack of diversity & inclusion in the nation’s businesses & government allows the white race to run all over the Constitution. Just look at the parade of leaders testifying in front of our do-nothing Congress… all white folk whether it’s the #NSA, #IRS, #DOJ, #FBI, #WallStreet. 

Have you ever stopped to think that these idiots don’t know what the hell they’re doing in their respective positions? Why do you think the economy crashed? Because these white fools had the skills & abilities to lead a bank or a government agency? No. Regardless of their ineptitude, they got their jobs because they were well connected with the European status quo that dates back to the global age of exploration.

It’s stunning that none of these white criminals ever go to jail, yet their deliberate damage to society is Nazi-like in magnitude. Hundreds of millions of lives ruined.

There is one area that is accurate: just as they are in government & Wall Street, most criminals on popular crime shows are played by white people. [Sadly amusing. however, is that the prison populations in the US tend to be dominated by people of color.]

2014 is a turning point in our nation’s history. Racism cannot continue to suffocate the sacred cause of equality.

The age of technology is a powerful thing for Main Street. 

The average citizen, even an economically disadvantaged person of color, can effect change by calling out hypocrites on social media who continue to talk the talk of diversity & inclusion while practicing no such thing.